Multi-Mode Ground Surveillance Radar

GR-80 is a family of operationally-proven radars that provide tactical ground surveillance capabilities to security and defence forces. The high-performance radars can be installed at fixed sites, integrated into networked systems to protect borders, bases, airports and other critical infrastructures.

Lightweight, portable, and quick to set-up, the radars, cables, power supply and travel case can be configured as a man-packable solution for mobile forces.

Operating in X-Band, the pulse-Doppler radars employ Active Electronically Scanning Array (AESA) technology for optimized performance and reliability. The radar’s innovative design incorporates a single solid state module with no wiring or moving parts, and is controlled by a user friendly Command and Control unit.

With powerful signal processing capabilities, It can perform electronic scanning or staring, providing both wide area coverage and targeting of threats at long distances with the ability to simultaneously track-while-scan over 300 targets.

The all-weather systems includes an internal GPS used for detailed mapping. Target data (track and speed) is displayed on a map and provides critical assistance to field commanders and remote decision-makers. Optional EO camera integration can enhance target classification.

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