AD-26 Counter UAS Solution

The AD-26 Very Short Range Air Defense Radar (VSHORAD) is designed for detection and tracking of airborne targets, including a wide variety of low radar crosssection (RCS) and low flying targets such as fighter aircraft, ultra-lights and UAVs. The AD-26 features a lightweight transportable, X-Band, pulse-Doppler solid-state electronically scanned array.

The radar employs multi-beam elevation coverage through Digital Beam Forming (DBF) and 360° azimuth coverage by antenna rotation, providing accurate target measurements of velocity, range, azimuth and elevation angles target detection and tracking and support of surface-to-air missile weapon systems.

Whether installed as a fixed or mobile radar, the AD-26 supports multiple applications including local air defence, border air space protection, and critical infrastructure air space protection. Installation of the radar can be either fixed on the ground or tower, or transportable on a vehicle.

The AD-26 radar exists in different configurations with different detection performances (AD-26D, AD-26B, AD-26BF).

  • The AD-26D is the smallest radar of the family and it is man-portable in backpacks.
  • The AD-26B is transportable.
  • The AD-26BF can be used for fire control.
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